Ben Ryuki
Miyagi RA, NCARB (ben is a nickname, because Ryuki can not be pronounced correctly) Education: Princeton
University. (New Jersey, USA) Master of Architecture, 2000.
3 year Master of Architecture degree. At Princeton taught by: Peter Eisenman (Studio, Fall 99), Michael Graves(Studio, Fall
98), Nasrine Seraji(Studio, Spring 99), Ralph Lerner(Studio, Fall 97), Elizabeth Diller, Foreign Office Architects, UN studio,
Mario Gandelsonas (Thesis advisor, Spring 00) Parsons School of Design (New York City, USA) Bachelor of Fine Arts in Environmental Design,
1995. (While at Parsons taught
by: Asymptote Architecture, Allan Wexler) Qualifications: Licensed and registered architect in
the state of New York, USA.(RA) Certified by NCARB, National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, USA.(NCARB) Professional Practice: Thomas Leeser Architecture, New York. 1995,1996 Picciotto Architecture,
P.C, New York. 1996, 1997 Kiss + Cathcart Architecture, New York. Summer 1998 Hillier Architecture(RMJM), Princeton, NJ, 2000 to 2003 Independent design practice
from 2003 to present. Japan/New York Teaching: Teaching Assistant, Princeton University, School of Architecture,
2000 Adjunct professor of architecture, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2007 Adjunct
professor of architecture, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, 2008 Awards: Curviture design competition winner. Furniture Society, USA. 2004 World Architecture Festival Award Shortlist, Barcelona, Spain.
2009 AR award for Emerging Architect
"Commendation", Emap, London. 2009 Red
Dot design award, Singapore. 2009. Best
5 house of 2010, Wallpaper magazine. January 2011
宮城竜紀 みやぎ りゅうき
(英語で ”りゅうき” の発音が困難なため海外ではベンというニックネームを追加している。) 昭和四十五年 十一月 生まれ 和歌山県で生まれ育つ。 高校卒業後約3か月の平成元年6月に18歳で
建築を学ぶため単身で米国に移住。 現在は米国本社と日本を行き来し、欧州、アジアでも頻繁に建築設計、デザインの活動をおこなっている。
プリンストン大学大学院建築学部修士課程卒業 (米国ニュージャージー州)
Princeton University,
Master of Architecture, 2000
パーソンズ スクール オブ デザイン 環境デザイン学部学士卒業
street) Parsons
School of Design, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Environmental Design, 1995 資格: 米国ニューヨーク州公認建築士の免許を取得している。
Photo of Mr. Ben Ryuki Miyagi, RA, NCARB
宮城竜紀の写真 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collaborators:
Mr. Ben Ryuki Miyagi divides his time between his corporate headquarter in New York
and his home country of Japan, and the rest of the world.
The company is still relatively small, with only a few full time staff and a few
part time staff based in New York, USA and Kyoto, Japan, but it has already managed to complete freestanding architecture
projects in both the USA and Japan. The company also works with collaborative business to business partners located in Europe
and India, via Skype, for tasks related to architectural drafting, 3D modeling, and photoshop. A lot of them are former students
and interns who know Mr. Miyagi. This very efficient office management and collaboration style produces less fees charged to clients compared
to relatively larger firms who provide the same service.
Mr. Miyagi is fully prepared to take on commissions larger and more complex, by having
following collaborators standing by ready to work with.
Collaborators in the USA: Mr. Marc van Schendel, RA.
Marc van Schendel serves as the treasurer at Ben Ryuki Miyagi Architect Corporation based in New York State. Mr. van Schendel
has known Mr. Miyagi since college days in the early 1990’s. Mr. van Schendel is a licensed architect in New York and
California. We are also actively looking for additional collaborators in our New York office. He/she can be a creativbe, rational,
analytical, poetic, diplomatic, resilient, global-minded optimist. We like to work on multiple global projects from multiple
locations, connected by technology and knowledge. If interested, please contact us. Collaborators
in Japan 日本国内での業務連携会社:
Currently we are looking for collaborators
in Japan. Feel free to contact us to start conversations. 令和元年5月1日、米国企業である株式会社建築家宮城竜紀New Yorkの京都連絡先が本格的に活動を日本国内で開始いたしました。 現在、連携していただけるいくつかの一級建築士事務所の方々を探しております。京都、関西に限らず、日本全国から、ご興味があればご連絡おねがいいたします。 現時点では以下の一級建築士事務所の方々と連携が合意されています。
有限会社テクトスタジオ一級建築士事務所 (京都市)
Tect Studio